dietz & watson - ‘big game tips with an usher’
dietz & watson
Red tettemer O’connell + Partners
‘an usher’s dogs’
(an) Usher is in the house with entertainment that’ll rival any halftime show.
‘An Usher’s hoagie’
This real Usher goes the whole 9 yards.
‘an usher’s nuts’
This Usher is a real handful and always leaves something extra…
‘An Usher’s board’
She’s got so many moves!
Game Time!
Get ready for a half-time experience only a (real) Usher can provide! The amazing folks at Red Tettemer O’Connell + Partners tapped us to produce this series of half-time shenanigans with real stadium Ushers - featuring delicious Dietz & Watson meats and cheeses. Get ready for the ultimate blend of entertainment and flavor!